Shareable configuration
Official configurations
@semantic-release/apm-config - semantic-release shareable configuration for releasing atom packages
@semantic-release/gitlab-config - semantic-release shareable configuration for GitLab
Community configurations
Provides an informative git commit message for the release commit that does not trigger continuous integration and conforms to the conventional commits specification (e.g., "chore(release): 1.2.3 [skip ci]\n\nnotes").
Creates a tarball that gets uploaded with each GitHub release.
Publishes the same tarball to npm.
Commits the version change in
.Creates or updates a changelog file.
Based on angular preset.
Adds more keywords for the
PATCH release.Generates or updates a changelog file including all PATCH keywords (not included in default angular package).
Updates GitHub release with release-notes.
Bumps a version in package.json.
Publishes the new version to NPM.
Last updated
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