
This configuration will allow you to release multiple packages from a single nx monorepo. It supports independent versions and change logs per releasable unit of code.

Base Release Config

Create a release.config.js at the root of your nx project. This file can be used to establish common settings accross your entire repo similar to tsconfig and jest base configs

module.exports = {
  preset: 'conventionalcommits',
  presetConfig: {
    types: [
      { type: 'feat', section: 'Features' },
      { type: 'fix', section: 'Bug Fixes' },
      { type: 'chore', section: 'Chores' },
      { type: 'docs', hidden: true },
      { type: 'style', hidden: true },
      { type: 'refactor', section: 'Refactoring' },
      { type: 'perf', hidden: true },
      { type: 'test', hidden: true },
  releaseRules: [{ type: 'refactor', release: 'patch' }],

App/Lib/Package Release Config

Each new releasable app will also have a release config and this will allow you to tailor each app/lib to release to a different location using different plugins if required.

commitPaths - the commit paths property was added to provide a way to filter commits by directory. depending on your approach you may want to include angular.json, package.json, and nx.json in the list of commit paths.

const appName = 'admin-webui';
const appPath = `apps/${appName}`;
const artifactName = appName;
module.exports = {
  name: appName,
  pkgRoot: `dist/${appPath}`, // should come from angular.cli
  tagFormat: artifactName + '-v${version}',
  commitPaths: ['', `${appPath}/*`], // should come from dep-graph and angular.json
  assets: [`${appPath}/`, `${appPath}/`],
  plugins: [
        changelogFile: `${appPath}/`,
          `chore(release): ${artifactName}` +
          '-v${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}',


Add a section to each releasable project in the angular/workspace.json calling semantic-release and telling it to use the specific release.config.js for your project. This section should be at the same level as the test/lint/build commands.

  "release": {
    "builder": "@nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
    "options": {
      "commands": [
          "command": "npx semantic-release --debug --extends=./apps/admin-webui/release.config.js"


Depending on your approach you may want to add the release.config.js the nx.json implicitDependencies, this would force all projects to be affected if this file changes.

CI/CD Considerations

Some plugins (git) will add a commit to your repo which means you cannot run the release task distribured and/or in parallel on your ci/cd system because your local workspace will get ahead / behind the remote.


  • Create an nx plugin that automates the steps above

  • for the project specific release config programmatically get the current project name, source dir, and dependencies for commitPaths.

  • Add a configPath cli argument rather than extends to specify the path to the semantic-release config

Last updated