
There are some situations where you will need the next version prior to running semantic-release, some examples are languages that require the build number at build time. Since semantic-release is focused on releasing your built bits not building them you will need to run semantic-release twice. The following may help you setup this workflow within your solution.

Example use case

In this example we are building a docker image that must include a file in the docker image that includes the build number. This is created by a custom semantic-release plugin call application-info. But you could use the exec plugin to accomplish a similar task of writing to a file or some other destination.

Create your standard release.config.js

// release.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        name: `my-cool-docker-app`,

this is just an example config you may need something more complex in your scenario

Create a pre-release.config.js that will be run before running semantic-release that extends your base release config overriding the the skipTag property and plugins property to only include the plugins needed in the pre-release stage.

// pre-release.config.js
// npx semantic-release --extends=./pre-release.config.js

const baseReleaseConfig = require('./release.config.js');

module.exports = {
  skipTag: true,
  plugins: ['@semantic-release/commit-analyzer', './release-scripts/application-info'],

In your CI solution you should run npx semantic-release --extends=./pre-release.config.js prior to building your application to perform any tasks that are required as part of the build and to include the next version number.

Last updated